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Thai Massage can aid in improving your performance

Yesterday, 4:50 pm
Posted by barbraervi
Thai massage is also known under the terms Oriental or Thai Massage. Its origins can be traced back to India, where it was utilized to treat a variety of ailments, including insomnia, headaches as well as stress and chronic fatigue. In Asia, Thai massage has been used as part of fitness programs, and also to increase confidence in yourself and emotional balance. Thai massage is known for its positive effects on the mind and body. It helps the body to attain a state of calm and equilibrium.

One of the most important benefits of Thai massage is its effect on the body's capacity to improve flexibility. Thai massage increases blood flow to muscles, which can increase flexibility. The treatment is more intensive and thorough than regular massage and has a lasting effect on the body. Traditional Thai massage is a combination of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

Traditional Thai massage is different from regular Western massages. Instead professional therapists apply pressure to your joints and muscles while they massage them. Traditional Thai massages take several sessions before you can observe any tangible results. During the actual treatment, practitioners make use of their hands to manipulate muscles, stretch them, and pull on tendons and ligaments with their fingers, thumbs and palms. They can also employ kicks, strokes or any other movement to further focus on the problem areas.

A report that has been widely circulated suggests that the practice of Thai massage can help reduce chronic pain by up to 40%. Researchers at the University of Manchester discovered that chronic pain was nearly decreased in patients who received regular Thai massages. Another study suggested that the treatment could reduce the requirement for painkillers narcotics by almost one third. The study has not been replicated elsewhere.

Another study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that Thai massage could help athletes improve their swimming performance by four to five percent. Athletes were able to train more efficiently and for longer durations of time due to their increased ability to move. Additionally, they had a higher threshold for exertion, which enabled them to push themselves more vigorously. The improved flexibility allowed athletes to work harder, which may help explain the consistent results that are observed in the performance of the athlete. In a separate study, Swedish massage was found to increase resistance strength by six percent, and the researchers noted that it enhanced the performance of athletes. Massage may also aid in reducing muscle spasms that are associated with cramps and other muscle ailments.

One of the most thrilling advantages of Thai massage treatments is that they can promote relaxation. The majority of the world's top massage practitioners are Thai. The first steps typically begin by working the head first, and then gradually move to shoulders and lower back. It is possible to reduce stress, improve the flow of blood, improve flexibility, reduce anxiety and tension by working your whole body. Relaxation is the key to reducing your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Other studies have proven that relaxation techniques can lower blood sugar levels and boost the sensitivity of insulin.

The other advantages of traditional Thai massages include increasing fertility as well as helping women become pregnant. Women who are struggling regarding fertility or infertility may consider this treatment to be beneficial. Women who suffer from pain during menstruation can benefit from massage. One in four women worldwide suffer from this issue. Massage may help lessen tension headaches and even treat premenstrual syndrome. For headaches that are chronic, it is recommended to try the traditional Thai massage therapies at least once per week for one month to feel relief.

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