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Binance For Business: The foundations Are Made To Be Damaged

Oct 7th 2023, 1:32 pm
Posted by keenanatha

In certain nations, Binance is under regulation. Suppose you configure your Binance to make use of the Wi-Fi at home when it is setup. RPC communication is not encrypted, so any eavesdropper observing even a single request to your server can steal your authentication credentials and use them to run commands that empty your wallet (if you have one), trick your node into using a fork of the block chain with almost no proof-of-work security, overwrite arbitrary files on your filesystem, or do other damage. This may indicate that many node operators are unaware that RPC communication over the Internet is completely insecure by default and exposes your node to multiple attacks that could cost you money even if you’ve disabled the wallet on your node. If the result is either "closed" or "filtered", your node is safe unless you’ve set a custom RPC port or otherwise have enabled a customized configuration. By default, nodes do not accept connections to RPC from any other computer-you have to enable a configuration option to allow RPC connections. Over the past week, many cryptocurrencies associated with the gaming and NFT industries, such as Flow (FLOW), Stepn (GMT), Axie Infinity (AXS), Decentraland (MANA), and Gala (GALA), have experienced significant price declines.

Even if you never connect to your node over the Internet, having an open RPC port carries a risk that an attacker will guess your login credentials. Such blocks would be invalid and so can only be created by miners willing to lose the allowed income from having created a block (at least 12.5 XBT or $80,000 USD). This can make the scheme appealing to existing services that gain from the additional security of Bitcoin multisig but lose from having to pay additional transaction fees for the extra pubkeys and signatures. It has the potential to become an industry standard that will be implemented by nearly all wallets and may be used by many services (such as peer-to-peer marketplaces) as well as for customer support, so Optech encourages allocating some engineering time to ensure the proposal is compatible with your organization’s needs. The sweep transactions set nLockTime to the current block chain height, implementing the same anti-fee sniping technique adopted by other wallets such as Bitcoin Core and GreenAddress, helping to discourage chain reorgs and allowing LND’s sweep transactions to blend in with those other wallets’ transactions. Eventually, the chain without the duplicate inputs gained more proof of work and the vulnerable nodes attempted to switch to it.

As expected, nodes believed to be vulnerable to the bug accepted the block and all other nodes rejected it, leading to a consensus failure (chainsplit) where the chain with the most proof of work contained the duplicate inputs and a weaker chain did not. ● Upgrade to Bitcoin Core 0.16.3 to fix denial-of-service vulnerability: a bug introduced in Bitcoin Core 0.14.0 and affecting all subsequent versions through to 0.16.2 will cause Bitcoin Core to crash when attempting to validate a block containing a transaction that attempts to spend the same input twice. This caused the vulnerable nodes to attempt to re-add the duplicate input to the UTXO database twice, triggering an assert and causing them to shutdown. 2063: new functions for creating sweep transactions have been added, 바이낸스 수수료 replacing functions from the UTXO Nursery that is "dedicated to incubating time-locked outputs." These new functions accept a list of outputs, generate a transaction for them with an appropriate fee that pays back into the same wallet (not a reused address), and signs the transaction. If this option is present, you should remove it and restart your node unless you have a good reason to believe all RPC connections to your node are encrypted or are exclusive to a trusted private network.

2033: provides a new listforwards RPC that lists forwarded payments (payments made in payment channels passing through your node), including providing information about the amount of fees you earned from being part of the forwarding path.

바이낸스 입금수수료(1005), 바이낸스 입출금(976), 바이낸스 입출금(976)

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