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A millionaire who was homeless and sleeping under a bridge as a teenager said he still stresses about money because of l

Aug 13th 2023, 3:54 pm
Posted by kashahacke
WordPress developer Ind

A millionaire who was homeless and sleeping under a bridge as a teenager said he still stresses about money because of long held trauma from being on welfare.   

Harry Sanders, 22, from Melbourne found himself living rough at 17 because of issues in his home life. He is now worth more than $1million.

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But before he made his fortune Mr Sanders found himself struggling to get benefits from Centrelink and wordpress local development when he did he ended up in dire living quarters. 

Millionaire entrepreneur Harry Sanders (pictured) said despite having a company worth millions, his time as a homeless teen still makes him question every purchase he makes, no matter how small

Millionaire entrepreneur Harry Sanders (pictured) said despite having a company worth millions, his time as a homeless teen still makes him question every purchase he makes, hide wordpress custom theme development site while developing no matter how small

He said when he was given government housing he found himself rooming with people who were battling drug addiction.

He said it was 'insanely tough' to get onto Centrelink, even as a homeless 17-year-old, and he found himself jumping through 'many hoops'.  

However Mr Sanders said his experiences living on the street and contract wordpress developer relying on Centrelink taught him valuable lessons he still applies today. 

'Every rich person who has never been on Centrelink thinks it's just free cash going out but it's not like that, I had social workers and the whole kit and caboodle,' he told He said the experience made him feel worthless and as if he was a 'burden' on the rest of society.

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