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Why are women living longer than men?

Feb 12th 2022, 1:07 pm
Posted by marcus45y
Everywhere in the world women live longer than men - but this was not always the case. The available data from rich countries shows that women didn't live longer than men in the 19th century. What is the reason women live longer than men in the present and why is this difference growing in the past? We have only a small amount of evidence and the evidence is not sufficient to support an informed conclusion. While we are aware that there are biological, behavioral and environmental factors that all play a role in women who live longer than males, we aren't sure what percentage each factor plays in.

We have learned that women live longer than men, regardless of their weight. But this isn't due to the fact that certain biological or non-biological factors have changed. These are the factors that are changing. Some are well known and relatively straightforward, like the fact that men smoke more often. Others are more complicated. For example, كيفي

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