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The Most Effective Reasons For People To Succeed In The Railroad Lawsuit Mds Industry

Oct 7th 2023, 6:25 am
Posted by deenabeckh
railroad controls limited lawsuit Lawsuits and Asthma

Rail workers are frequently exposed to toxic chemicals and fumes like silica and asbestos. These exposures can lead to pulmonary disorders such as asthma.

Fortunately, victims can recover compensation under the Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA). A reputable railroad controls limited lawsuit lawsuit asthma lawyer will assist. Read on for some examples of successful verdicts and settlements.

Diesel Exhaust

Because trains run on diesel fuels railroad workers are constantly exposed to diesel fumes. The fumes consist of soot particles and harmful chemicals. The exposure to these fumes can contribute to asthma and other lung illnesses.

Railroads have been aware of the dangers of exposure to diesel exhaust for many years. However numerous companies have not taken adequate steps to protect their employees. In the end, a few wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit workers have developed respiratory illnesses that are a major cause of death.

When combined with other workplace hazards, like asbestos, silica and creosote exposure to diesel fumes could result in the development of life-threatening pulmonary illnesses, such as asthma. These ailments can prevent railroad controls limited lawsuit workers from returning to their work and could impact the quality of their lives.

In one case our lawyers successfully defended an FELA claim by a former engineer who claimed to have developed leukemia and other cancers as a result of the exposure to diesel fumes as well as other toxic chemicals when working on railway equipment. The court granted summary judgment for the railroads in question, deciding that Plaintiff did not make an adequate research into the details of his condition at the time of diagnosis, and that his claims were barred by time.


Railroad workers are often exposed to various kinds of dust, such as silica from coal dust, settlements ballast, and chemical or petroleum fuels. These toxic substances pose a threat to the health of workers and can lead to respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

Our FELA lawyer has assisted a number of people seek compensation for their exposure. Fortunately, FELA allows workers who have been diagnosed with certain ailments to claim their employers are accountable for their failure to protect workers from hazardous work environments.

For example an Montana jury handed down $3.7 million to an engineer from the past who was afflicted with pulmonary fibrosis, which is a progressive lung disease that is caused by scarring of the lung tissue. In his FELA claim, it was claimed that inhaling diesel fumes hundreds if no thousands of times, contributed to the onset and progression of his lung disease. Jurors were not persuaded by the defense experts' testimony that the locomotive engineer's lung condition could have some other cause.

Similar to this, Friends of the Columbia Gorge and Sierra Club successfully filed a lawsuit against BNSF railroad cancer lawsuit over its coal trains. Each time a train runs through the Gorge it pollutes plant and wildlife habitat, tributary streams, wetlands, and the Columbia River with coal dust and other debris. In the wake of this lawsuit, BNSF will stop transporting coal through the Gorge and other areas.


Rail workers were exposed to dangerous chemicals for a lengthy period. While asbestos has been largely removed from the workplace, a variety of toxic materials still remain. Chemical solvents can cause asthma and respiratory ailments. Railroad workers are able to sue their employers to seek compensation.

In one case the 61-year-old locomotive engineer was awarded $2.6 million after a jury verdict found that his work on the railroad caused him to suffer from diesel asthma. This illness caused him to be placed on medical leave and lose wages. He also was required to undergo two back surgeries, which included an lumbar spinal fusion with multiple levels that added up to significant medical costs.

He admitted that while working at different railways he was exposed to diesel exhaust fumes, strong odors silica dust particles chemicals and spray paints, black smoke as well as motor grease, welding and engine oil.

wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit(5), wasatch railroad contractors lawsuit(5)

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